Cash for clicking the adverts

WordLinx is one of the online money making sites that pays your for viewing their sponsor adverts. The Basic membership is free (which is something I am always after – making money online without paying for registration – I am there to earn. Not to spend!) But it does offer an option to upgrade to Verified Membership for 17 dollars.

Naaah – not yet. I am ok with the free membership . 🙂

The verified membership would give you option to click on more adverts. (As seriously, the adverts on free membership  – are really not plenty enough to make serious income) And it would also offer more bonus from referrals.

Yes Wordlinx has also a referral program. And I would be glad if you joined my team here:

Cools thing about Wordlinx is that in order to earn from your referrals, you have to click on adverts yourself too. Weekly is good enough.

I like this condition cos that would make the joined new membes also to work. Otherwise would be way to simple to get stuck in this dead circle where everyone just shares their referral link hoping to make money from the referred members work but eventually nobody works. So become my referred member, click on adverts weekly and we all will be happy 🙂

Join here!